Monday, June 27, 2022

Poppy Pomfrey's Wand

Ollivander recognized an uncommon quality in the shy, unassuming little girl who walked into his shop. At first, she seemed a bit scared to ask for a wand. But there was a hint of determination in her eyes; the wandmaker sensed hidden depths of courage in the child, and she finally stepped forward with a purposeful look. She had strength of character, that was clear.

Poppy Pomfrey was her name. She seemed destined to be a healer, so it was no surprise to the wandmaker when the willow wand picked her. Trusty willow; salix alba caerulea, to be exact. This wand was of a handsome, light color with streaks of slightly darker grain. It was ten inches long, carved in a design of a twining snake intermingled with graceful, carved willow leaves. In appearance, it had the hint of a medical staff about it. 

Willow is a springy but tough wood. This one had a touch more rigidity than most, maybe indicating that the owner had plenty of backbone, if needed. The wand core was of unicorn hair. Ollivander thought—and rightly so—that the owner of this fine wand would always be on the side of good. It was a good match.